Alberta’s Education Act
Alberta’s amended Education Act, which came into effect September 1, 2019, sets out responsibilities of all education partners to ensure welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Section 58.1(1) of the Education Act requires that parents be notified when providing instruction that deals primarily and explicitly with human sexuality. For more information, go to Notifying Parents.
The Education Act continues to include:
- a definition of bullying
- responsibilities of students, parents and school boards as they relate to welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and nurture a sense of belonging and a positive sense of self
- that school boards must establish, implement and maintain a related policy
- that school boards must support students to create school-based clubs that work to create welcoming, caring, respectful and safe spaces for students of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations and their allies in schools
- a requirement for a code of conduct for students that addresses bullying behaviours
- recognizing the third week in November as ‘Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week’ to promote awareness and understanding of bullying and its consequences in the school community
In November of 2015, the Minister of Education directed every school board in Alberta to develop policies, regulations and procedures addressing the board’s responsibility as it relates to sexual and gender minorities.
Contact your administration for more information about your school board’s policies and procedures.
Gay-Straight/Queer-Straight Alliances (GSAs/QSAs)
Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) and Queer Straight Alliances (QSAs) are student groups found in some K-12 schools. These groups create supportive and safe environments for sexual and gender minorities and their allies. Schools looking for ways to create a safer school space, reduce bullying and support human rights and social justice related to sexual orientation and gender diversity may choose to start a GSA/QSA. In Alberta, students who request such a group are guaranteed the right to start the group in their school, have regular meetings in a safe space, have an adult supervisor/sponsor and name the club, after consultation with the principal.
Positive impacts of GSAs/QSAs include:
- stronger attachment and connectedness to schools
- fewer bullying incidents
- increased sense of safety
- improved mental health and wellness
- greater self-esteem and positive identity development
- less truancy and greater school success
- greater sense of pride, empowerment and hope
- increased visibility of LGBTQ2S+ identities
- challenging heteronormative language
- building positive relationships
Teachers can recommend the steps below for students who want to start a GSA/QSA:
- Find a teacher or staff member to act as a sponsor
- Meet with the school administration
- Find other students who may want to help start up the group
- Pick a meeting space
- Advertise the group to all students
- Plan a first meeting
- Hold the meeting. Include discussion around ground rules/group agreements
- Plan for the future
For more information about the Education Act, bullying and GSAs/QSAs, see the Additional Resources page.