
My partner and I keep fighting. What should I do?

It’s normal to have disagreements from time to time. They give you a chance to explore things that you disagree about, and it can help make your feelings clear.

Disagreements that often turn into fights that include yelling, criticism or harsh words are signs of an unhealthy relationship. In healthy friendships, people are respectful, kind and both people get to make decisions.  It’s a problem if you’re fighting all of the time, or if mean things are said when you’re arguing. Remember—physical fighting (punching, hitting), verbal, mental or emotional abuse is NEVER okay.

Signs of a healthy relationship are:

  • respect
  • honesty
  • communication
  • being able to be yourself
  • feeling safe
  • trust
  • equality
  • support

Take some time to think about what these fights are about. Can they be worked out in a positive and constructive way? It can be helpful to talk to someone you trust, like a parent, health care provider or friend.

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