Yes, tampons are safe if used correctly. A tampon is a product put in the vagina to absorb menstrual fluid before it leaves the body. Following the directions helps make sure tampons are safe and comfortable. Leaving a tampon in too long, using one that is too absorbent for the flow or using it when there isn’t a period, can cause problems. Tampons are not meant to be left in longer than 8 hours, so some people choose to wear a pad at night.
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare but very serious infection that can happen if a tampon is not used properly. If you are using a tampon and get a fever or a rash, remove the tampon and call HealthLink at 811 or go to the hospital right away. To prevent TSS, change tampons every 3 to 4 hours, no matter how light the bleeding is.