
How do you ask someone out on a date? What if they say no?

Everyone’s different, so there’s no single right way to ask someone out on a date. Before you ask, it can be helpful to have a plan in mind about where, when and how you’ll ask. Tell them you’d like to go on a date. Give them details like when and where, and ask them if they’d like to come. Wait for the answer. If the person says “yes”, finish making the plans for the date together. If they say no, stay calm, and accept the answer. Say okay, even if you’re hurt or embarrassed. Don’t ask why – people don’t need a reason to say no. If you really want to date the other person, you can say something like, “can I ask you again sometime?”  If they say yes, wait a couple of weeks then ask again. If they say no, don’t ask them again. Dating is a choice; you can always say no and so can they.

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