
Can HPV be prevented?

HPV can be prevented by getting the HPV vaccine, limiting your number of sexual partners, and using a condom and/or dental dam. The HPV-9 vaccine (Gardasil) is up to 90% effective at protecting against the nine types of HPV most commonly responsible for genital warts and HPV-related cancers.

In Alberta, HPV vaccination is available to all grade 6 students. Since the vaccines were developed to prevent HPV, and not treat it, the vaccine will work best if given before a person has any sexual contact (oral, anal, vaginal, or skin-to-skin contact in the genital area).

For people with a cervix, pap tests can screen for cervical cancer caused by HPV. Current recommendations are to begin having regular Pap tests starting at age 25, or 3 years after becoming sexually active, whichever is later.



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