
When do you know you’re ready to have sex?

Every person is different when it comes to knowing when they are ready to have sex (anal, oral, vaginal, hand). Some people have sex, others don’t. Personal values help tell a person when they’re ready for sex. When thinking about when they will be ready for sex, people consider the legal age of consent and personal, family, faith and cultural values. Signs of sexual readiness include:

  • Being well into puberty or older
  • Feeling great about themselves, their bodies and sex
  • Setting sexual boundaries, communicate about them and respect them  
  • Talking to partners about condom use, STIs, birth control, sexual wants, dislikes and goals
  • Talking to health care providers about sex, protection, STIs and any special health needs
  • Getting and using condoms and, if applicable, birth control
  • Thinking about how you might respond to an unplanned pregnancy and/or STIs
  • Having a mutually respectful, trusting, safe, caring relationship

It can be helpful to talk to someone you trust, like a parent, health care provider or friend.

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