
Using the Lesson Plans

Instruction in human sexuality (bolded and italicized outcomes) requires schools to provide notice to parents about the learning outcomes, topics and resources. All of the lesson plans address at least one of the human sexuality learning outcomes from the Grades 4 to 6 PE&W, Grades 7 to 9 Health and Life Skills or CALM curricula.  Many of the lessons address multiple outcomes from the program of studies, including outcomes that are not bolded and italicized.

Inclusive language

Language matters. Inclusive language is used to include all people of all genders and sexual orientations. Using inclusive language:

  • Creates safer, respectful, welcoming and caring school environments for students, families and staff
  • Is more accurate
  • Makes learning more accessible to all students
  • Leads to better learning and social outcomes for all students

Inclusive language is used when the gender of the person is unknown or when discussing a group of people of mixed genders. In the lesson plans, it often occurs when describing a scenario in which the gender of the person is not defined, so that people of any gender identity may feel included in the description. This includes the use of ‘they’ or “them” as a singular pronoun. It may feel awkward at first, but using they or them can help everyone feel included in your classroom and the lesson. Using s/he or alternating the use of she and he, reinforces the notion of gender being a binary construct, which is not inclusive of all gender identities. Visit the Inclusive Language page to learn more.

All of the names of people in scenarios are gender neutral names, with an attempt to include names from a diverse range of cultures and ethnicities.


Diagrams can be a particularly useful tool when teaching anatomy and physiology; however students need help to interpret what the diagram represents. In general, showing the external (outside of the body) diagrams first and then showing the internal (inside the body) diagrams that include the whole body will help students understand what they are seeing, before showing the more detailed internal diagram of a specific organ, system or region.

All of the diagrams and slides are grouped together in one PowerPoint file per grade. The diagrams can be displayed or printed as needed. Diagrams that are intended to be used as student handouts or worksheets will be found in the lesson plans as well.  Answer keys are provided in the lesson plans for all worksheets.

Homework assignments and grading

Some of the lesson plans contain assignments that can be collected and graded.  If you are assigning grades for student work, remember that students whose parents have opted-out of sexual health education must not be penalized for not participating.

Some of the lesson plans contain homework assignments. The majority of the assignments are questions meant to inspire discussion at home with the student’s family. While most students and families will benefit from open discussion about sexuality and sexual health, there are times when this may not be true. For example, if a student is being abused by a parent, homework discussing the types of abuse and what to do if a friend is being abused may in fact be dangerous for a student to complete. You may also wish to have alternate assignments prepared or inform students that the activity is optional, in order to meet the needs of your students. It is also recommended that homework assignments be discussed or reviewed in class but not graded.

Trauma-informed practice

Some students may have had traumatic experiences and these experiences can impact their learning, behaviour and relationships at school. Trauma-informed practice is a whole-school approach to creating a school environment where every student feels safe and supported.  For more information about trauma-informed practice, see the Alberta Education resources.  

Differing abilities lesson plans

Students with physical and developmental disabilities experience the physical, social and emotional changes associated with developing into a healthy adult. However, many students miss out on sexuality education and have gaps in knowledge and understanding about how to cope with puberty changes and develop healthy relationships.

All of the lesson plans can be adapted to the needs of individual students and groups. The lesson plans often give options e.g., activities for students who may need more support versus activities where students can work more independently in small groups. Combine activities to produce a lesson that fits your students.

Here are some tips and strategies for teaching human sexuality to your students:

  • Ensure that ground rules are established before starting your lessons. Sexual health education occurs most effectively in a classroom where there is a mutual feeling of trust, safety and comfort.
  • Whenever possible be as hands on as possible using everyday objects and examples e.g., use hygiene tools when talking about puberty and practice hygiene routines at school.
  • To help students develop skills, use role play, experiential opportunities and problem solving scenarios. For example, students learning about private and public space can tour the school to identify which areas are private and public and the types of behaviours and activities that are appropriate in these spaces.
  • Include the students’ family or guardians by letting them know what topics you are covering in school and suggesting activities to do at home that reinforce the teaching points from class e.g., students could identify private and public spaces at home.
  • Sexuality is just one part of overall health and well-being and can easily be linked to other health topics. For example, when discussing puberty changes include discussions and activities for healthy eating and active living as both contribute to students’ development.
  • The question box can be used to encourage students to ask questions privately. It can be adapted for students who do not read or write by using a teacher or teaching assistant as a scribe.
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